
The Parable Apprentice

Let us enjoy this moment; this time, because we didn’t have to be or have ever been…

My desire is to ooze holiness, to be a true noble princess for God. He deserves all my dedication and talent. It is my life’s quest, even when I get distracted by the temporal God redirects me to the real thing. And I remember when I seek the Lord, I lack no good thing. In His light I see light. Then everything is clear again. Can you relate?

A bright future awaits those who seek everlasting peace. How are you? How have you been reader? Thank you for stopping by to see what’s new at the parable girl. I have exciting news to share! But before we get to that I want you to know God has called you for such a time as this. You are a queen Esther in your perimeter. He called you to reveal His purpose in your heart that reaches beyond your dwelling. He has so much goodness stored up for you and your community. Your spiritual gift has to be unwrapped.

Gifts are fun to get but just like any gift the recipient has to be willing to receive it and know it is there! We have to say yes to the calling and be willing to walk by Faith…every day.

The story I recently wrote; the second in The Parable Girl series is not collection of parables like the first book. The Parable Apprentice is a coming-of-age novella about an unpopular fourteen-year-old girl. She goes about her day not expecting anything but ordinary and without coincidence walks into her calling. She is purposefully named Faith because she has to grow into her name. Has anyone you know been told they have a big name they had to grow into?

Faith journeys and competes to win the coveted title of The Parable Apprentice yet there is a bigger message. Faith learns more about gifting and God along the way. This a parable for teens and women alike. Do we ever let go of who we were as kids? We all have a little Faith in us that needs to be shaken up, stirred and poured out for the greater calling in the body of Christ.

The Parable Apprentice novella, coming to Amazon Marketplace and Audible Fall 2023.

The Parable Creative

The Parable Creative

My Question To God And Myself After The Honeymoon And The Baby Was Where Do I Go From Here? What About The Dreams I Had As A Child? What About The Things I Have Yet To Accomplish? Do They Go Undone? Or Do I Pick Up Where I Left Off? Can I Handle A Child, A Husband, Responsibilities And BIG DREAMS? Can I Go Up A Little Higher? Can I Conquer New Territory In My Thirties? The Answer Came And It Is A Definitive YES.

Fortress of Clay

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Happy New Year! 2020 has been a rocky road for us all. I pray you and your love ones have a prosperous and restorative 2021.

These past weeks have been troubling for the nation (let’s face it these past 4 years). I didn’t know what to think of what I saw. There were no words. Then I thought of another scenario and asked myself, would it have the same reaction? Would it have the same ending? I knew the answer to that one.

There is always a kingdom message for everything that is brought to our attention so I asked God, what is this about?

- I go to God when I have questions no one else can answer. And He gave me a parable.

This parable I dedicate to the marginalized, the misunderstood, the overlooked, the wandering, the questioning, those coming out of a complex and brutal past. God sees you, he calls you his own, he values you.

I present to you, Fortress of Clay, a parable for the times.

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Abandoned. Without king nor government, they were left naked out in the open, visible for all enemies to see. They had no hiding place. They had no covering. The vicious elements of the sun and rain provided no shelter from their fury. Their weak and underfed bodies were knocked to and fro whatever the wind blew them there they went. So this varied and complex group, these cast aside people, searched lonesomely for home. The vulture snatched what they could cultivate and took it for its own. They picked up and continued their search.

Resilient. Their people were a remnant of an ancient time where they lived in wealth and abundance, which was no more. Those that walked beside one another dwindled as so many gave up hope for what lied ahead. Looking towards a promised land many perished on the journey. But some never gave up what they knew was drawing near. What their eyes couldn’t see yet what their faith could touch.

Just when their cries were merely grunts of survival there emerged a plateau and what sat upon it was a dwelling place made from the earth. The people had found their place. They regained strength fighting off the cobra and night prowlers to claim this palace of clay. When they entered in, the enclosure covered their nakedness, the elevated temperature warmed their deprived feet. As they looked back they noticed their location had turned their predators to flight.

There in the shadowed place peace replaced what was stolen. There amongst each other they witnessed the restoration that they had longed for.

And there the fortress of clay still stands welcoming any outsider, any outcast, all who are turned away, any one looked down upon, or underrepresented, undermined , looted of place , destiny and dignity. There is a fortress, an enclosed place of refuge where no predator can sneak into. This is the shelter of the Most High. When you are running empty, disillusioned and excommunicated this place is there, waiting for you. Back away from the hatred, pull away from the TV and news feed, pull away from the distraction. Let him be your covering. Leaders may mislead, family may not understand, people may shade but God wants to be your shelter, your hiding place, the place beyond the noise. He is saying call to me. I want to be sought by you.

He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Psalms 91

No matter what is going on in politics, no matter what toxicity is in the air or the White House you are loved by a sovereign who desires you. He wants to be your country and your crown. He wants to be your everything. So when you see atrocities’ you go to pray for answers instead of reacting. When you pray you enter a place above discrimination, above the polluted minds, above hatred, above bigotry and above LIES!

I am glad I found a place that will not strip me but cover me, not devalue me but value me, not leave me defenseless but defend me, a place where the God who became man; who is now sovereign is my eternal defense against the evils of this world.

Our ancestors prayed to this God and he set them free before Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1865.

Jewish people were free before Hitler took his life and Soviet forces liberated Auschwitz in January 1945.

We are liberated before the sitting President leaves office on….January 20, 2021.

Why? When we go to the secret place we have left our earthly troubles behind and feel God. We, who are broken and filled with decay become a fortress where the spirit of God dwells. We are that fortress of clay, the sooner we realize the sooner we will be there.

And this clay is only temporary.

This fortress of clay (point to self) will behold a heavenly body in a mansion decked out in gold one day.

Point of this parable: WE MATTER.

-The Parable Girl 2021

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Epic Win

Epic Win

When you are on the Lord's side you are on the right side. Jesus speaks words of encouragement everyday that pertain to exactly what we are going through. Do you feel attacked from every side? Jesus knows the feeling. Do you feel abandoned by friends? Jesus has been there. Do you feel tired and heavy pressed? Jesus says he will give you rest. Even if you have many setbacks, even if you are going through hard times you have a Savior that says come to me, think of me, lay your burdens down and just rest on me. Won't you do it? Release grudges you are holding on to, pull off the barnacles of hubris from your heart. That is the only way God can restore what is damaged. Jesus is in the R business;

She Will

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Children are a gift from the Lord;they are a reward from him.

Psalms 127:3 NLT

  1. Medical Leave

  2. Grave Diagnosis

  3. Childbirth Pain

  4. Not enough Preparation (Who Has Enough?)

  5. Lack of Sleep

  6. Endless Diaper Changes

  7. Loss of Privacy

  8. Mama Bear Syndrome

    All of that and then some came when I had my daughter…

    And you might be thinking Man that’s rough!

However, I would do it all over again because she overshadowed all of what may have been too much to handle if she wasn’t with me, needing me, hilariously getting nourishment from me when I lacked it. Funny how God works things out for our good. Being home with her allowed me to publish my book and start my t-shirt business. Funny how God supplies all our needs; I am now well and strengthened; and our children’s needs; she never missed a beat during the whole process! She caught her first cold at 18 months! Wow. He works double overtime for His children that he loves so dearly especially when we extend our hands to our Father for help. Psalms 121:1

Though he takes care of the sparrows that are sold for two cents; how much will he take care of you that are more valuable than many sparrows? Matt. 10:29-31

We worry about our children so much. Who will they be? What kind of friends will they have? Will they ever sleep through the night? Will we ever sleep through the night? Are we going to be great parents? And God’s like, “I got this”. You’re not the first parent I ever created. (Insert an almighty eye roll)

Wherever God takes me…I trust Him with the journey. Just like I trusted Him with my healing. I trust Him with my parenting.

I have her and this precious time, to mold and build her confidence. I have the scars I didn't have in my twenties. I have the weight I didn’t have when I wore my mermaid wedding dress(Goals). But her love, her love is worth it. Because when she looks at me she's not looking at my scars, she's not looking at my flaws, my brokenness, my mess ups…she's looking at her mama. The one who sang to her in the womb, the one who declared in the atmosphere she would be someone great, someone kind, someone fierce, someone who will choose to bow down to God's throne over the clay kingdoms she will one day create.

And she will. Why? Because God said she is a reward from the heavens. Because God says she is someone worth fighting for, someone worth wrapping in decadent protection and careful instruction. This gift is not just for me but for the Kingdom's glory. I believe she put fire in my bones to help me drive the tumors away along with my great gargantuan faith.

I don't care what someone has spoke over your child. He or she will declare the works of God and live out their purpose with boldness and confidence. Speak it!

Mamas, you didn’t go through pain to not see the seed grow, you don’t have scars without a testimony. Your child/ children will grow from the seed you speak. Start speaking all the goodness your heart can hold. Because we know our hearts are big enough to bring down a tapestry of heaven's favor for our children.

Declaration for my Daughter-

She will know her purpose at an early age.

She will pursue the Lord and follow him wholeheartedly.

She will dust herself off from any setbacks that try to get in her way.

She will stand for what's right when no one else is standing.

She will never give up on her dreams.

She will never be ashamed of how God created her.

She will walk boldly and upright for her King.

She will honor her mother and father and others.

She will humble herself when she needs to be humble.

She will kindhearted and include not exclude.

She will see more in the spirit in her youth than I ever could with the help of the Holy Spirit.

She will be protected by His grace and favored in the Earth and in the Heavens.

Her husband will be chosen by God and she will pray and wait for Him.

She will let her light shine brightly everywhere He has for her to go.

Click here to download a free declaration for your son or daughter!


The Camille Chronicles

This is the story of my recent and current journey over the past year. I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in January 2019. I have written poems to express the feelings and faith I had not knowing I carried this disease while pregnant and breast feeding but knowing something was terribly wrong. This is my story of healing and miracles. I pray it helps you in your journey. God is faithful!

The Camille Chronicles…

Fire in the Iceberg

November 2018

Cold sets in -Delirium

Chills rush through-Submersion

Drenched in the heaviness of my own sweat-Drowning

Is this it?

Tumor as large as a glacier pierces my chest-Dying

I shiver, Please, no more

But it emerges pass tissue and blood -it settles

There is an iceberg inside of me

Poison runs deep- Engulfed

My mind is cloudy with fear-Darkness

But there is a spark that sets fire to ice- Light

There is a element inside the watery depths

There is a victor over a acidic grave

I feel the fire overtake me

and it frightens the enemy

I feel it -burning

I feel it -consuming

I feel it melting the dark Arctic death cells away

Outside there is no proof of a disturbance

but there is a fire erupting on the inside

Fire that spreads through my lymphatic system

It shrinks the monster of my anatomy

Until he has no power, until he has no insight- Blinded

The spirit of animation trumps the spirit of deterioration

I want you to know I started that fire

With one spark He birthed inside of me

That once was dormant and is now free

Fire that shrinks mass destructions

Fire that stops the cold from settling in

Fire within

You have the fire

I have the fire

Set it off. We win

The iceberg of my soul has been defeated by a Supernatural- Human

December 2018

Waiting Still

You tell me to Be Still

In a world that revolves

How can one not be moving?

You tell me to wait on you

Where can you be if you are Omnipresent?

Ever shifting

You tell me to know you are God.

Then why is everything out of control?

You have the answers

yet you mute them

I have the pain

Where can I soothe them?

Day by Day you say eat the manna from Heaven

Night by Night I look at what was digested in the toilet

That’s what Manifested

Weight at a lost, still I wait on the road for something great

I wait on the side of life for what you promised

to be Abundant Life

Like ‘Waiting for Godot’ a series of repeats

Where is the springing up relief?

After you promised me newness

After you promised me eagles wings

Though the weakness has made me weary

Though the intrusion has made me faint

Is there a light to guide me above these evil wretched things?

A place to rest? Oh yes, the grave is one.

A shore to lay upon and roast in the morning sun

I have a choice

A choice to die

Or a choice to wait

The load is heavy and my arms are bony yet I wait

You promised green pastures beyond this road

I can’t see them from here

But I wait

I sigh, close my eyes drop my heavy burdens, buckle down

and wait.

I Speak

God speaks through the Holy Spirit

Christ speaks through the Holy Spirit

So we speak through the Holy Spirit

Yet we don’t

There is freedom of chains

yet we won’t break

addictions, habits, hang ups, mess ups

we can’t pick up the broken pieces to see the whole frame

and we are scared we will get cut

yet we can

How? you say

God gave us the Holy Spirit

And in his image you reign

How? You say

Through the Comforter, the Holy Spirit

Pick up that broken piece and see what I see

He has given me a crown I wear it for you

so you can see yourself too

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty

Prisoners are set free

He seeks those that seek Him

Let Him speak

Let His light come through to renew you

And you will see it’s not just me

I am the mirror of the Holy Trinity

Me receiving a treatment February 2019

Me receiving a treatment February 2019