seeking an adventure...

About Camille J. Cooley

About Camille


 Camille Julien-Cooley (1986- ) was born in New York, New York. She has a Bachelor's in English and a Master's Degree in Education. She is the founder of Another Realm Dance Ministries and is currently working on a book of original monologues for Christians. She married her God chosen Husband June 2017! Woo! Woo! She plans to build a kingdom centered empire that lifts up the name of Jesus. Look out! 

The Vision


Life evolves so should we. I decided to stop doing my "own thing" when I was 22 years old. My relationships were not working out because they were superficial. They didn't go beyond the surface. I worried a lot about my future. When will I be married? When will I start a family? What about my dream career as a writer? Everything felt like slow motion. It wasn't until I decided to let go and trust God, that's when I found true freedom. Faith in God is Liberty. When I trusted God with everything He gave me a book on relationships called, "The Parable of the God Chosen Husband" written for every woman in every situation (now called The Parable Girl). I wasn't asking for it He just gave it to me. The theme is TRUST. 

"Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteous and all the rest will be added." I see the things I ask for being added to by life step by step. I have a dream job doing what God always wanted me to do, leading a generation back to the love of Christ. I have now since married my God chosen husband and we are walking out our purpose and life mission together. God knows...and He has perfect timing. 

I hope all women will be inspired by the book to do something great and expect great things from God.

A work in progress,

Camille L. Julien-Cooley


happy I didn't slip..

happy I didn't slip..

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