Allow God to speak to you in The Parable Girl book.

Written for the single waiting for the one but looking in all the wrong places, for the promiscuous, for the pious, for the socialite, for the depressed, for the overly confident, and for the extremely timid. God wants all His daughters to soak in His affection and discover purpose and revelation for their everyday lives. These parables will lead you to Matthew 6:33, "Seek first the kingdom of God and everything else will be added." Become part of a kingdom where you fall in love again. Your next level has come. Level up! Click here to own your copy today!



The Writing Tips

The Parable Apprentice, a teen novella. COMING SOON!

THE PARABLE GIRL is passing her mantle to a younger generation. She chooses a girl in her community named Faith. Faith is an inexperienced fourteen-year-old use to going against the grain. She is quirky and unpopular until she steps onto the grounds of Another Realm Studios and her perspective shifts to a higher order and mystical calling. Will she lead followers her way or God’s way?